Metaverse NFT Project

Neon Echoes NFT Metaverse

Our Features

Neon Echoes is an infinitely evolving Real Estate NFT Metaverse and action  MMORPG simulation currently in development.

Here’s a sampling of a few of the NFT features the Metaverse will have.

NFT In-Game Content

Is your Player Character an uploaded Human consciousness, or manufactured Cyborg Avatar. All NFT Avatars come with early access privileges and other utility and advantages.

NFT Vehicles

Your Avatar needs to navigate the Metaverse in style. From hoverboards, to cars, to MetaSpace craft of all shapes and sizes!

NFT Real Estate

You will be spending most of your time in the Metaverse in your virtual home. Whether it's recuperating from battles and missions, or training with your team mates for your next one. So you want the most comfortable and luxurious options that are on the market.