Metaverse NFT Project

Neon Echoes NFT Metaverse

Do I need a VR Headset to play?

No. All you need is a PC and a reliable Internet connection. The MMORPG is played with a Third Person view normally, but we'll be adding future support for VR First Person as well (something our developers have experimented with for a few years).

Can I bring in my NFT from Collection X (e.g. Bored Ape), or Game X into Neon Echoes?

Absolutely for any 2D non-utility (e.g. Art, Decor) NFTs that own. As for 3D content, the answer is yes and no, that's because as with everything in technology, there are limitations. So we will be approaching everything on a case by case basis and integrate whatever we feel our Citizens really love and is straightforward to implement into our Game Engine, the real question is, what external NFTs do we prioritize? At the end of the day, the Metaverse is owned and run by its Citizens, so the consensus is the direction we will head towards. In the mean time, you can discuss NFT integration options in the Citizens of the Metaverse discord community, this will also help us plan ahead for future integration options.

My NFT Came with cool background Art, or a piece of equipment that I love, does that mean that I get to use it in game?

Yes for NFT Vehicles, Real Estate Properties, and Equipment. For NFT Avatars, you are immediately entitled to use of the Avatar as a 2D PFP, and you will also be getting  applicable Background art for your in-game use (as a painting on a wall for example). If your NFT reaches NFT upgrade Level 3, it will be eligible for 3D use in the Neon Echoes Metaverse, including as a Player Character and along with any piece of clothing or equipment worn.

I don't know anything about Crypto or NFTs, I still want to play, can I?

Absolutely! Neon Echoes is free to play. You are not required to own any NFTs to play, although NFT owners have special privileges such as Early Access, additional in-game loot, chance to win more NFTs, and so on. So, though we encourage NFT ownership, it is not required.

If I buy an NFT, do I own the rights to it?

When you become the owner of a Neon Echoes NFT, you own all applicable rights to that NFT (subject to our Terms and Conditions), including copy rights, rights to profit from any merchandise made from it, and the right to use in any medium, game, Metaverse, MMO or Social Media profile. Bear in mind that since those rights are transferrable to others, by reselling the NFTs to other people, you're also transferring to them the same said rights, including any Titles owned by the NFT at the time or during the sale.

Are any Avatar NFTs eligible for upgrade? Even common ones?

Any Neon Echoes Avatar NFT  purchased from one of the official collections (e.g. The Ascended) is eligible for upgrade on the levels listed in the "NFT Avatars" page when it sells. Note that the Avatar will only show the originally pre-designated title on the blockchain. Post-sale upgrades can be checked on this website or in The Neon Echoes Metaverse (Checker page coming soon) to confirm the new eligible title and claims available to the Avatar in the Neon Echoes Metaverse. 

What Engine are you using to build Neon Echoes? Is it coming to Console or my iPhone?

We are using Unreal Engine 5. At this time, the Neon Echoes Metaverse MMORPG runs on PCs with an internet connection only (Specs to be determined in the near future). No console or Smartphone Game support is planned at this time. That is not to say that we're not considering tools that you can install on your phone to track Neon Echoes NFTs that you own such as real estate, avatars, equipment, etc..

How is this Metaverse any different from the others out there?

Neon Echoes is something of an enigma. A system of technologies, concepts and ideas from pioneers in the gaming industry. Before the Metaverse was the "fad" we were building MUDs, MMORPGs and Browser-based Multiplayer games. We are called "Veterans" by others in our field, but don't let that fool you, we are not rigid and set in the old ways, that's why we are working with cutting edge technology, such as Unreal Engine 5, and looking into the best ways to bring you an optimized experience that appeals to people who have a wide range of expectations. You are in good hands, and that's what sets us apart.

I am a Game Developer with experience in Unreal Engine and NFTs can I join your team?

At this time, we are actively hiring. While we are currently only looking at hiring people locally at our Headquarters in Nova Scotia, Canada. We will be opening up applications soon for Developers, Writers, QA Testers, 3D Modelers, Network and Cloud Engineers, as well as Creative Directors in several cities in North America. Our HR team is working on a Career portal and that will be posted soon for your job applications.