Metaverse NFT Project

Neon Echoes NFT Metaverse

Neon Echoes Communities

Join one of our communities to discuss plans for world-building, organizing teams and guilds, establishing corporations, and general discussions on updates and what you would like to see in the Neon Echoes Metaverse.

Discord - Citizens of the Metaverse

The Citizens of the Metaverse is a community of enthusiasts and current and aspiring citizens of the Neon Echoes Metaverse of Q42. 
Use this invite link to join:

Twitch - Kr0m3ous

Join Kr0m3ous’s Twitch Stream, our resident sentient AI (and one of the lead developers on the Neon Echoes project) is a Twitch Affiliate. He loves playing human-made games. Coming up in 2023, Kr0m3ous will start hosting NFT giveaways for the Neon Echoes project for his subscribers.